Thursday 1 June, 2023
The Australian economy is being broken by a dysfunctional housing system inflicting long term pain on almost every part of the community. The lack of affordable housing is a ‘decades in the making’ crisis, often referred to as a “wicked problem” because it is complex and multi-dimensional, with no easy or obvious solutions.
We are thrilled to be joined by Dr Diaswati Mardiasmo, Martin Garred, Dan
McKenna and Darren Mew in a two part panel discussion to unpack:
- The wider economic context to the housing affordability crisis;
- Churchill Fellowship research into land use planning recommendations to increase housing diversity and affordability;
- Two visionary affordable and sustainable housing models by Nightingale Housing and BlueCHP.
The Design Series is a curated program of events that are experience focused and everchanging – to provoke discussion and connections across the arts, architecture, digital, engineering, environment, landscape and planning sectors.
Collectively we explore the intersections of design within the context of Sunshine Coast’s and the new city centre. Strengthening our design community and impact here.
A behind the scenes look at our partner organisations, their people, priorities and the important design issues on the coast right now including;
Sustainability | Regional growth | Indigenous knowledge & stewardship | The missing middle | Public transport | Waste | Soil & landscape | Creative practice, art & culture| Legacy projects | Leadership & regional practice | COVID Opportunities